The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) invites all full-time faculty, instructors, lecturers, and librarians to submit proposals for the Spring 2025 Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. (Read More).
New to The Bluff—Lane Brown: Custodian, Facilities – Campus Wide
Lane worked at P.P.S. as part of the public school system staff prior to joining us at UP.
Welcome, Lane!
New to The Bluff—Shirley Tayun: Custodial Supervisor, Facilities Services
Shirley owned a private cleaning company prior to UP and is the loving mother of four beautiful boys.
Welcome, Shirley!
Get Involved!
Have you been wondering how you can get involved to make our world a better place for future generations? Or maybe you just want to make UP a safer place for students, faculty, and staff to live, learn and work? UP Wellness has options for you! (Read More).
Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group Meeting (Jan. 31)
At the next FILDG meeting we will be discussing the introduction and conclusion from Marcia Bjornerud’s book “Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World.” Refreshments will be served and all faculty and staff are welcome. (Read More).
Family Weekend 2025!
We’ll be welcoming parents and families to campus for Family Weekend on February 14-16, 2025. This year we will be combining all class years into one exciting weekend. Visit the Family Weekend page for a list of events.