The 2024 Pilot Venture Challenge, UP’s premier invention, business and social venture competition hosted by the Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, is now accepting applications from students across all majors and disciplines. There will be a virtual Informational Meeting on Wednesday, February 21 from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (Read More).
“These Shining Lives” (Feb. 21-28)
You are cordially invited to UP Theater’s first production of 2024: “These Shining Lives” by Melanie Marnich, directed by Lezlie Cross, PhD. Based on a true story, this beautifully heartbreaking play chronicles the strength and determination of four women who were poisoned by the working conditions at the Radium Dial Company. (Read More).
“These Shining Lives”: Pre-Play Reception and Panel (Feb. 24)
All ticket holders for “These Shining Lives” are invited to enjoy a complimentary wine, cheese and dessert reception as campus experts highlight what to look and listen for, courtesy of the Garaventa Center. (Read More).
A Love Supreme: Spirituality in the Music of John Coltrane with author Ashley Kahn (Feb. 28)
The Music at Midweek performance class will host jazz author and educator Ashley Kahn as a special guest lecturer on Wednesday, February 28. Kahn will discuss the influence of spirituality in the music of celebrated saxophonist John Coltrane. (Read More).
Black at UP (Feb. 28)
The Ethnic Studies program is pleased to present a conversation about what it is like to be Black at UP with a panel of our esteemed faculty and staff. This panel will be moderated by Amy Ongiri, PhD, Director of Ethnic Studies and participants include Robert Kelly, PhD, 21st President of the University of Portland; Anita Gooding, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Work; A.J. Jatta, Junior Sociology Major; and Tshombé Brown, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. (Read More).
A Discussion on Discussions (Feb. 28)
Is it possible to have every student speak and contribute to class every day? Are you curious to learn about the best ways to prepare for and manage class discussions? Join the CTL as it hosts Allie Stewart (GWSS/ILC) and David Turnbloom (THE) for lunch and community-building in the Teske Dining Room (Read More).
What can we learn from “hangry” worms? (Feb. 29)
Join UP Biology Professor Molly Matty for a presentation about nematode worms, hunger, and why the behavioral changes of being “hangry” may be influenced by our gut microbiome more than we realize. (Read More).
2024 Mazzocco Lecture on Distributive Justice (Mar. 12)
We are pleased to announce former Congressman and UP alum Larry LaRocco as the featured speaker for The Mazzocco Lecture on Distributive Justice on Tuesday, March 12 at 5:00 p.m. LaRocco will present: “Do Right, Risk Consequences: Perspective on politics and life during an era of increased threats to democracy.” (Read More).
Mary Bruno: “An American River” (Events Mar. 13-21)
The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce an event series with aquatic ecologist Mary Bruno. Bruno is the author of “An American River: From Paradise to Superfund, Afloat on New Jersey’s Passaic.” She will join us on campus, along with local environmental leaders, to discuss science, nature, and our human relationship with the natural environment. (Read More).
Summer and Fall Software Requests Now Open (Mar. 15)
As we begin looking ahead to the Summer and Fall terms, it is an important time to be considering what software you will need in classrooms and labs for your courses. All classroom and lab computers will come prepared with standard items such Microsoft office, web browsers, Teams/Zoom, and the Horizon VMWare client. However, if you require more specialized software for your courses, this will need to be requested through our Software Request Form. (Read More).