The Garaventa Center welcomes everyone to an online Beckman Humor Project event on Wednesday, November 11, at 5 p.m.: “What We Can Learn About ‘Cancel Culture’ from the Index of Forbidden Books (Really!).” Here’s the Zoom Webinar link to join the live event, which is free and open to all. The Index of Forbidden Books […]
Garaventa Center
This Week’s Peek at The Saint John’s Bible: Joshua Anthology
Spend 90 seconds taking in the Joshua Anthology in this brief video of the illumination. It’s a different rendering for those of us who perhaps grew up singing “Joshua fit the battle of Jericho…and the walls came-a tumbling down.” Do you see the Ten Commandments used as battle flags in this imagining?. One of the […]
Person to Person Weekly Winner: Lisa Reed!
Congratulations to Lisa Reed, associate dean in the Pamplin School of Business, on being this week’s recipient of a Starbucks gift card after a random drawing from names of UP staff and faculty who have been trying to cultivate and nurture human relationships during these days of so much enforced solitude. An anonymous donor has […]
A Moment of Beauty: Esther
This week’s 90 seconds of quiet beauty from The Saint John’s Bible takes us to Esther. Illuminator Donald Jackson strove to convey Esther’s dual identities as steadfast Jewish woman and queen of Babylon, as well as ongoing violence in the Middle East. There is also a nod to the work of Gustav Klimt. If these […]
Weekly Moment of Beauty From The Saint John’s Bible
Enjoy this 90-second film of the illumination of The Ten Commandments from UP’s Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible. Fun fact: the artist, Thomas Ingmire, is something of an anarchist, so tackling one of humanity’s best-known sets of rules was a wonderful challenge for him! Video is at this link.
Person to Person Connections This Week
Joy Hunt, a member of the School of Education faculty, is the most recent person to have their name pulled from the raffle basket after reporting on making some Person to Person connections. She’ll enjoy a Starbucks gift card, as well as the satisfaction of nourishing the human relationships that make UP a special place. […]
Mother Teresa & Christian Mental Health Stigma: This Tuesday Oct. 20
The Garaventa Center welcomes everyone to a free online lecture on Tuesday, October 20 at 5 p.m: “Mother Teresa: A Case Study in Christian Mental Health Stigma.” Here’s the Zoom Webinar link to join the live event, which is open to all. Mother Teresa’s diaries made public the saint’s struggle with intense sadness and sparked […]
A Moment of Beauty For the Week
Spend a minute and a half taking in the beauty of this illumination of Jacob’s Ladder from UP’s Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible: no words, just quiet music and a chance to breathe and simply BE for a moment of your teeming day. Click here for the video link.
A Weekly Moment of Beauty: “Garden of Eden”
For a moment of beauty with one of UP’s great treasures, The Saint John’s Bible, click here for an 85-second video of the Garden of Eden illumination. No words, just quiet music with a lustrous image. Check this space each week for a link to another image, courtesy of the Garaventa Center.
Follow Sr. Angela’s Example: Keep on Connecting!
The latest UP community member to win the weekly raffle in the Person to Person connections endeavor is Sr. Angela Hoffman, chemistry. She receives a Starbucks gift card, courtesy of a Garaventa Center donor who wants to support all of us in maintaining the personal relationships that make life at UP so special. All staff […]