A limited number of tickets for the Pilots men’s basketball game versus Gonzaga are now on-sale at the Pilots Box Office. The game is schedule for January, 9, 2014, at 8 p.m. To purchase your tickets for the biggest Pilots basketball game of the year, please visit the Pilots Box Office or call 7525. For more information, visit www.portlandpilots.com.
Trinity Academy Choir Concert, Dec. 20
Trinity Academy and its choir director, UP alumnus Chris Fotinakis, cordially invite all faculty, staff, students, and their families t0 enjoy Trinity Academy Christmas Fine Arts Night, a celebration in word and song of the birth of Christ, on Friday, December 20, at 7 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. The program will feature music and seasonal readings from scripture and poetry. A reception will follow in St. Mary’s Student Center lounge, with refreshments.
Trinity Academy is a recently established North Portland school whose mission is educating seventh through twelfth graders to discover truth, practice goodness, and create beauty on a foundation of a joyful, discerning, and ecumenical Christian culture. Please contact Dan Kabele, information services, at kabele@up.edu for additional information.
Staff Holiday Luncheon, Dec. 19
All staff members are invited to the University’s 2013 holiday party, which will take place on Thursday, December 19, in the Bauccio Commons. The social will begin at 11:30 a.m., with seating at 12:15 p.m., and the program begins at 1. The party will feature a holiday selection of fare from Bon Appetit’s food stations, annual employee award presentations, prize drawings, recognition of employees’ service to the University, and words of holiday cheer from Fr. Beauchamp. Please keep in mind that the holiday party is for staff only; with continued growth as a university community, there is not room available for student workers or family members.
For more information contact human resources at hr@up.edu.
Nominations Being Accepted for Alumni Awards
Each year the University of Portland Alumni Association presents awards to UP alumni for outstanding contributions to their professional fields, for their dedication to volunteer endeavors, and for their ongoing support of the University and its mission. Nominations are now being taken for the 2013 Alumni Awards, with a deadline of Sunday, December 15. Alumni may be nominated in three categories:
- The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have rendered distinguished service to the University and to their community.
- The Rev. Thomas C. Oddo, C.S.C., Outstanding Service Award recognizes alumni who have demonstrated the University’s mission through volunteerism.
- The Contemporary Alumni Award recognizes alumni graduates of the past 15 years for significant professional contributions to the community and support of the University.
Awards will be presented at the annual State of the University luncheon on April 1, 2014. For more information contact alumni relations at 7328 or alumni@up.edu.
Donations Needed For Nicaragua Silent Auction
Donations from faculty and staff have been the backbone of the success of the annual Silent Auction fundraiser for the Moreau Center’s Nicaragua Immersion service program. All faculty, staff, students, and UP friends are welcome to participate in the Silent Auction, either as a donor of items or a bidder. This year’s auction will take place from Tuesday, December 3 through Friday, December 6, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons main entrance hallway.
Single items, gift baskets, tickets to events, signed books, weekends at vacation homes or timeshares, gift certificates to local restaurants, and UP merchandise are just some of the items that have been popular at the auction in the past. Donations can be brought to the Moreau Center any time during the workday from now through Monday, December 1. Please contact Theresa McCreary, campus ministry, at 7131 or mccreary@up.edu if you have any questions about the auction. Thank you for your support!
2013-2014 Open Enrollment Ends Dec. 3
The open enrollment period for UP employees started on Tuesday, November 5, and concludes on Tuesday, December 3, ending at 4 p.m., according to Andy Sherwood, human resources. This will be your opportunity to make changes to your plan choices, review the dependents you have covered, and sign up for a medical or dependent care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for 2014. Specific enrollment materials were sent to employees electronically on Friday, November 1. Please note that FSAs are not automatically carried over to 2014—employees need to sign up for the plan every year they choose to participate. For more information contact Andy Sherwood, human resources, at sherwood@up.edu.
Paul E. Wack, 1919-2013
Physics professor emeritus Paul E. Wack passed away in the morning on Tuesday, November 19, at the age of 94. He came to The Bluff in fall of 1949 and was one of the first faculty to move into the newly-completed Engineering building (now Donald E. Shiley Hall). His contemporaries included legendary campus physics teachers Br. Godfrey Vassallo, C.S.C., and Merle Starr, namesake of a small observatory which once was located behind the Bauccio Commons.
Paul retired officially in May of 1986, but continued to teach until 1999, making him the longest-serving active faculty member in University history at 50 years. His various duties included serving as chair of the Deparment of Physical and Life Sciences from 1966 to 1973; membership on the Academic Senate from 1978 to 1983, and chairing the Rank & Tenure Committee from 1977 to 1979. He won the Culligan Award, the University’s highest faculty honor, in 1961.
Services will take place at Holy Cross Catholic Church on Tuesday, November 26, at 11 a.m. Immediately following the service there will be a reception in the school hall. Paul is survived by his son Edwin Wack; daughters Mary Brandenburg and Ellen Wack; grandchildren Lauren Wack, Kelly, Kendall, and Bobby Brandenburg, and Paul Alan Wack; and his sister, Elizabeth Doyle (Aunt Liz). His wife of 56 years, Mary Ellen, passed away in 2009, as did his eldest son, Paul Wack Jr., in 2010. Through all of life’s trials Paul was unfailingly positive and upbeat, and a devout and humble member of the Catholic faith. Our prayers and condolences to his family and colleagues.
Faculty-Staff Giving Extended to Nov. 22
The Faculty-Staff Giving Committee is extending the campaign through Friday, November 22, and asks for your help and participation in setting a new record for faculty and staff giving. In this final week they are aiming for a new five-day giving record by asking an additional 80 employees to participate. The two donors who equal the record and break the record will each receive a Bob Appetit cake, perfect for the holidays.
On November 22, there will also be two sets of random drawings, with winners announced on Monday November 25. In the first, two donors making a gift between November 13 and 22 will be eligible for a Fred Meyer gift card; in the second, every donor to the campaign will be included in a drawing for one of six gifts, including:$25 Trader Joe’s gift cards, New Seasons gift cards, and a lovely flowering plant.
Last week’s random drawing recipients were Maribeth McGowan, education, and Leland Hansen from physical plant, who each received two bottles of wine. A third name was also drawn: congratulations to Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, who receives a bottle of Prosecco Superiore! For more information contact Diane Dickey, development, at 8130 or dickey@up.edu.
Advent Concert Tickets Available Now
Free tickets are now available for the Advent Concert on Saturday, December 7, at 8 p.m., at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Contact the performing and fine arts office at 7228 or pfa@up.edu to be sure of getting tickets to this popular holiday concert. The University Singers will present selections from Handel’s Messiah with professional orchestra and student soloists Rodrigo Gaspar-Barajas, Amelia Segler, Meagan Usselman, Katrina Welborn, and Ashley Woster. Michael Connolly with conduct. This concert is always full and tickets will likely be gone before Thanksgiving, so please get yours right away.
UP Third in Fulbrights For 2013
The University of Portland continues to be one of the top producers of Fulbright scholars in the nation, ranking third among “master’s universities,” according to a study released by the Chronicle of Higher Education. The University has been a leader among its peer institutions in producing Fulbright scholars for several years, ranking first nationally in 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11, and 2007-08 and second nationally in 2009-10, 2008-09, and 2006-07. Since 2001, UP students have earned 46 Fulbright grants.
The University had six alumni win the prestigious grants to work and study abroad for 2013-14. Four Fulbright student scholars are teaching in Germany: Petra Barton, philosophy, sociology, and German studies; Erin Burns, German studies and sociology; Martina Hagan, German studies and psychology; and Jonathan Parsons, global business and German studies. Two Fulbright student scholars are teaching in Spain: Joe Sleven, business administration and Spanish minor; and My Van Duong, who double majored in nursing and Spanish.
The United States Fulbright program began in 1946 after World War II to “assist in the development of friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations between the United States and other countries of the world” through the exchange of students, scholars and professionals. The program operates in more than 140 countries worldwide.
For more information contact John Orr at scholars@up.edu or 7857.