Rey Panganiban will serve as an HVAC III technician for Physical Plant. He previously worked at Venetian Casino and Resort in Las Vegas for 14 years as a HVAC technician.
New to The Bluff: Susan Godoy, Financial Aid Counselor
I’m from Oregon and I grew-up in rural Forest Grove, Oregon. I consider myself Mexican-American or “Chicana.” My parent’s family roots are from Zacatecas, Mexico. Very few Mexican people that reside in Oregon are from that specific Northern State of Mexico. I have family as far as Alaska to south of Guadalajara, Mexico (near Puerto Vallarta). […]
Summer 2022 Tuition Remission Reminder
Now is the time to submit requests for tuition remission for qualified employees or dependents for the Summer 2022 term. This is a benefit that employees need to apply for each semester in which courses will be taken. To complete the request for tuition remission, visit the Tuition Remission page in PilotsUP and click on the link […]
Help Us Celebrate Our Pilots for Sustainability This Earth Day! (Apr. 22)
The President’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (PACOS) asks all faculty and staff advisors and mentors to students here on campus or beyond The Bluff to help us highlight their activities ahead of Earth Day—April 22, 2022. Our thought was that we do not need to create an event just for the sake of an event when […]
Call for Proposals: Research in the Application of Ethics: Proposals Due Apr. 14
The Dundon-Berchtold Institute funds teams of faculty and students to conduct projects and curriculum fellowships focused on the application of ethics within and across academic and professional fields. In addition to fostering the vibrant learning experience of faculty-student partnerships, the Research in the Application of Ethics program encourages faculty fellows and student scholars to participate thoughtfully […]
Theology Thursday: Fifty Years of Reading the Early Christians: What They Still Offer Me (or Don’t) (Apr. 7)
After five decades, Michael Cameron, retiring Professor of Historical Theology, still finds the literature of early Christianity enthralling. One teacher from the 2nd century envisions the remaking of history; another from the 3rd century sees Scripture’s wisdom in breathtaking depth; and another from the 4th century examines the human heart’s workings in microscopic detail. These […]
Book Launch with Andrew Guest – Soccer In Mind (Apr. 7)
In his book, Soccer in Mind, Andrew Guest, UP Psychological Sciences, uses social sciences to explore how soccer intersects with culture, society, and the self. Readers will gain new ways of understanding fanaticism, identity, peak performance, globalization, talent development, and more. 4:30 p.m. at the UP Bookstore. Free and open to all. Masks required. Info: or 503.943.7702. Sponsored by the […]
Pre-Play Reception and Panel for Company (Apr. 9)
All show ticket holders are invited to enjoy a complimentary wine, cheese, and dessert reception as campus experts highlight what to look and listen for, courtesy of the Garaventa Center. Mago Hunt Theater lobby. Reception at 6:15 p.m.; pre-play panel at 6:45 p.m.; play at 7:30 p.m.
Save the Date—PilotsGive (Apr. 6-7)
Interested in raising some extra funds for your favorite area of campus? Save the date for PilotsGive, April 6-7, 2022. This 24-hour campus-wide celebration invites Pilots to come together to raise awareness and funds for your school, program, or club. Learn more and get started now, go to