Patrons browsing the shelves at Clark Library may, upon opening a volume to scan the contents, find a decorative bookplate adorning the inside front cover. Obviously the bookplate indicates the Library’s ownership, but also records particular books donated by or added to the library collection as benefactions in remembrance of a person. The history and design […]
New to The Bluff: Tshombé Brown, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
After a national search, the University of Portland has named Tshombé Brown its first Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. A welcoming, well-known presence on campus since his arrival on The Bluff in 2017, Brown will assume his new role on April 17. Since 2021, Brown has supported students and colleagues in a variety of […]
New to The Bluff: Elizabeth Parkman, Associate Director for Student Engagement in the Office of Student Activities
Join us in welcoming Elizabeth Parkman as the new Associate Director for Student Engagement! Parkman previously worked with Docent at the Portland Art Museum and is currently serves as the Vice President of the Board for the Friends of Peninsula Rose Garden.
Fragments & Wholeness: Using Scholarship to Reconstruct and Represent Women’s Lives (Mar. 21)
Join Christin Hancock, Rachel Wheeler, and Alexandra Stewart, historian, theologian, and German studies professor, as they share discrepancies and surprising overlaps in the ways in which their distinct disciplines illuminate the complexities of women’s lives across centuries. Tuesday, March 21, Brian Doyle Auditorium, Dundon-Berchtold Hall, 5 p.m. Free and open to all. Info at or […]
CHIRP Theology Student Lab Presentation (Mar. 22)
Theologian David Turnbloom and Collaborative Humanities Investigating Religion and Power (CHIRP) students unpack lessons learned about power, rhetoric, and incarnation in their explorations of how the Church communicates about its sex abuse crisis. Wednesday, March 22, in the Brian Doyle Auditorium, Dundon-Berchtold Hall at 7 p.m. Free and open to all. Info at or […]
Ramadan (Mar. 22–Apr. 20)
As the holy season of Ramadan (March 22–April 20) approaches, please be mindful that members of our community will be observing this time of fasting and reflection. On UP’s inclusion site you can find resources to assist us as we integrate support into our classes and services, as well as tips for students who are […]
PilotsGive Happy Hour (Mar. 23)
Put on your purple and come celebrate what it means to be a Pilot! Stop by the Pilot House to join faculty, staff, alumni, and friends as we toast another phenomenal show of support for our students on Thursday, March 23, from 4–5:30 p.m. And, yes, there will be jumbo checks, so come find out […]
NEW LOCATION: Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature Keynote Address Location Change (Mar. 25)
Please note that the location for the Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature Keynote Address by Duke University professor Aarthi Vadde on Saturday, March 25, at 1:45 p.m. has been moved to the Brian Doyle Auditorium. The event is open to all.
Final Core Samples Lunch (Mar. 29)
All staff and faculty are welcome to the final Core Samples lunch for this academic year on Wednesday, March 29, from 11:30 a.m–12:15 p.m. in the Teske Room of Bauccio Commons. Let the Garaventa Center and Core Director buy you lunch and then learn from Rachel Wheeler as she offers a slice from THEO 205 […]
Call for Proposals: Research in the Application of Ethics (Due Mar. 31)
The Dundon-Berchtold Institute funds teams of faculty and students to conduct projects and curriculum fellowships focused on the application of ethics within and across academic and professional fields. In addition to fostering the vibrant learning experience of faculty-student partnerships, the Research in the Application of Ethics program encourages Faculty Fellows and Student Scholars to participate […]