To celebrate our work in the classroom, the Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL) is undertaking a new initiative, “Innovative Assignments and Activities,” that will highlight some of the most effective and creative work designed by our faculty. Faculty can submit assignments for consideration, and all submitted work will be peer-reviewed by members of the […]
Lenten Visio Divina (Apr. 5)
Join us on April 5 in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher for a contemplative prayer practice using a sacred image from The Saint John’s Bible directly following the noon Mass at 12:45 p.m. Info at or 503-943-7702. ADA compliant event. Co-sponsored by Campus Ministry.
Faith & Intellectual Life Discussion Group Re-Scheduled (Apr. 14)
To accommodate the staff/faculty retreat being held on March 31, the final gathering of the Faith & Intellectual Life Discussion Group will move to Friday, April 14, 3:30 p.m. in the Murphy Room of Franz Hall. All are welcome to explore the poem “Outing, Iowa,” the introduction to Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger, and Alexander King […]
PilotTalks Nominations (Due by May 19)
Got a story to tell? Nominate yourself or a colleague to be a storyteller for PilotTalks, UP’s short-talk lecture series created for Family Weekends and Reunion featuring faculty and staff and their stories of hope, renewal, and transformation. Visit the PilotTalks page to hear the stories of hope from our first season. All current faculty […]
Comprehensive Primary Care Services Available on Campus for All UP Students
The Student Health Center provides full-spectrum primary care services to all UP students, including part time, full time, graduate, and undergraduate. Students do not need to be enrolled in the Pacific Source student health insurance plan to be seen at the clinic. Available services include treatment for illness or injury, annual physicals, travel medicine, sports […]
Recording of Rebecca Makkai’s Talk Available
For anyone who’d like to re-visit Rebecca Makkai’s memorable Schoenfeldt Lecture of last week, a recording is posted at this link, and will be available for two weeks, with your regular UP sign-on credentials. After that, a DVD recording will be available to check out from Clark Library.
Stryker Chair Training (May 19)
EHS will host a Stryker chair training on May 19 at 9 a.m. in Clark Library for those interested in learning how to use the Stryker chair in their building for safe evacuation for disabled or injured persons. Please email if interested.
2023 Retiring Faculty
The following faculty members have announced their retirement at the conclusion of the spring 2023 semester, according to Kathleen Staten, provost’s office: A ceremony and reception for all 2023 retirees will take place on Wednesday, April 19, at 3:30 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons Board Room. For more information contact Kathleen Staten at x7105 or
March Zoom Update
It’s mid-term, which means it’s time for another Zoom update. Please see our March 2023 blog post for important information regarding these updates. We hope that Spring Break brings you back to campus refreshed!
Wally Pilot at 75
Happy Birthday to Wally Pilot! For 75 years Wally Pilot has exemplified the spirit of University of Portland at athletic and campus events. From appearing on textbook covers, student manuals, spirit buttons to t-shirts, actual mascot costumes, and Wally Pilot figures, this most recognized figure on The Bluff was recently feted with a Wally Pilot […]