The College of Arts and Sciences and the Center for Teaching and Learning invite full- and part-time faculty across the University to participate in a book discussion of Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom by bell hooks. Each participant will receive a copy of the book and is expected to attend a group discussion on Thursday, January 11, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. We will read hooks’ classic text to consider how to center the joy and power of learning in our classes, especially for students who may not feel that they belong in higher education.
Participants will also have the additional option to join an inclusive teaching working group that will meet regularly during the spring semester to apply hooks’ teaching to one of their own classes. More information will be shared when the books are ready for pick-up. This inclusive teaching project is funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence 3 (HHMIIE3) grant.
To register, please e-mail Associate Dean Allie Stewart ( by Friday, December 1. Books will be available to pick up shortly afterwards. Note that the number of participants is limited (30 total) and all participants are expected to read the book and attend the discussion.