Please find a position description for an exciting and long-awaited new University of Portland position—the Director of Teaching & Learning. The Director will organize a collaborative effort forming the Center for Teaching & Learning. The first year of the Director’s appointment will bring the Center of Teaching & Learning (as described in CTL Design Concept.pdf and CTL Task Force Report.pdf) into reality.
As the documents describe, full-time faculty (instructors, lecturers, and tenure-track of all ranks) interested in applying for the position should submit a letter of interest and C.V. to Kathleen Staten (staten@up.edu) by Thursday, April 28. Faculty considering applying for the position should engage their dean, associate dean, and/or department chair in conversation about this possibility before submitting materials.
A special thank you to the faculty task force and search committee that are leading this initiative: Lars Larson (task force chair), Andrew Guest, Stephanie Salomone, Jacquie Van Hoomissen, Stephanie Michel, Ben Gallegos, Amber Vermeesch, Lisa Reed, and Shaz Vijlee (search committee chair).