How the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ Community Can Live Out Gospel Inclusion
Join us for a livestream webinar with national figure Fr. James Martin, SJ, as he explores these and other crucial questions of our time:
- Can the Catholic Church build a relationship with LGBTQ Catholics?
- Is there a welcoming place for the LGBTQ person in the church?
- And what might Jesus have to say about all of this?
Monday, January 30 at 4:30 p.m.
Livestream Zoom at uportland.zoom.us/j/91753287064
Free and open to all. If you would like to submit a question to Fr. Martin, please submit by 1/27.
Co-sponsored by Garaventa Center, Student Affairs, Campus Ministry, and OIEDI.
Contact garaventa@up.edu or 503-943-7702 for more info.