How would you respond to a student who told you during an office hours visit that they were feeling suicidal? What would you do if you noticed major changes in a student’s demeanor in class, but they didn’t seem inclined to talk to you, even when prompted? UP faculty want to have the knowledge and skills to navigate these troubling waters and also understand their own limits. The Teaching and Learning Collaborative invites you to a brown bag session on Wednesday, November 15, 11:25-12:20 p.m., in Buckley Center room 215. Facilitators Andrew Guest, psychological sciences, and Eliot Altschul, Health & Counseling Center, will walk participants through vignettes such as these, illuminate how support services on campus for mental wellness have expanded in the past year, and field questions related to faculty members’ roles in student mental health. We hope this type of brown bag conversation will recur, so suggestions for future sessions will be solicited.