Be a good American citizen and join us for the annual Constitution Day Event on Thursday, September 15, at 5 p.m. in D-B 004! This year we are hosting Law Professor Ofer Raban, who will discuss his recent book, The Silent Prologue: How Judicial Philosophies Shape Our Constitutional Rights (George Mason University Press, 2020). Professor Raban teaches constitutional law, jurisprudence, criminal investigation, and criminal law at the University of Oregon School of Law. He received his BA from the City College of New York, his JD from Harvard Law School, and his doctorate in legal philosophy from Oxford University. He also worked as a prosecutor in New York before joining academia. Free pocket copies of the US Constitution will be awarded to all attendees! The lecture is hosted by the Department of Political Science & Global Affairs and was made possible by a generous grant from the Jack Miller Center. Contact Professor Bill Curtis with any questions (