Sopharoth Ith was awarded the Dr. May Brunson Graduate Fellowship in the award amount of $2,000. Ith is from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and was inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta in 2019. As an undergraduate, Ith studied Economics and graduated in 2022. At the University of Portland, she was involved as a Junior Resident Fellow at the Center for Khmer Studies, LeadNext Fellow at the Asia Foundation, and Event and Program Coordinator at the University of Portland’s First Generation College Students. Ith will pursue a degree in International Policy at Stanford University. “I am an aspiring female policymaker passionate about creating equal access to education for everyone—especially women and girls—as a path toward poverty alleviation in Cambodia and beyond. I firmly believe that my academic journey as a master’s degree candidate in International Policy and the professional experiences I will gain going forward will enable me to find solutions and strategies for the Global South’s prosperity, especially in my motherland, Cambodia,” Ith stated.