The Garaventa Center invites paper proposals for a conference highlighting the history of Catholic education in America, according to Jamie Powell, Garaventa Center. “The Impact of Catholic Education in America: Past, Present and Future” will take place from June 20-22, 2013, on the University campus. This gathering of scholars, administrators, teachers and Church leaders, co-hosted with the University’s School of Education as they celebrate their 50th anniversary, will review the past and assess present circumstances as a lens through which to view current challenges and future possibilities. Papers proposals are welcome from faculty and staff, and all are encouraged to share this invitation with colleagues from other institutions.
Possible topics include implementation of new practices; academic excellence and Catholic identity; effective advisory boards; implementing new practices; parish and school relationships; history of Catholic education; integrating curriculum; special needs/differentiated instruction; evangelization and catechesis; public policy; environmentally aware students; families and the cycles of faith; Catholic school leadership; diverse populations; technology in the classroom, and more.
The deadline for submission of one-page abstracts for individual papers is Friday, February 22. Notification of acceptance will be sent by Friday, March 1. Abstracts, along with full contact information, should be e-mailed to Powell at
The conference’s keynote speaker will be Thomas Groome of Boston College. Invited speakers include Regina Haney (NCEA), Rev. Joseph O’Keefe, SJ of Boston College, Sr. M. Angela Shaughnessy of St. Catharine College, Lorraine Ozar of Loyola University-Chicago, Martin Scanlan of Marquette, Sr. Dale McDonald (NCEA), Sr. Clare Fitzgerald, SSND, and Kathy Mears (NCEA). Additional conference information is available at or by e-mail to