Eric Anctil, education, gave a talk entitled, “Experiential Education and Technology in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities” at the 2015 Annual International Association for Experiential Education Conference in Portland on October 23.
Karen Eifler, Garaventa Center, received the biennial Lilly Fellows Book Award, along with co-editor Tom Landy, for their Becoming Beholders: Cultivating Sacramental Imagination and Actions in College Classrooms, published by Liturgical Press. The Lilly Award honors an original and imaginative work from any academic discipline that exemplifies the central ideas and principles animating the Lilly Fellows Program: faith and learning in the Christian intellectual tradition, the vocation of teaching and scholarship, and the history, theory or practice of the university as the site of religious inquiry and culture.
Elinor Sullivan, biology, had her paper, “Maternal high-fat diet and obesity impact palatable food intake and dopamine signaling in nonhuman primate offspring” (coauthored with Rivera HM, Kievit P, Kirigiti MA, Bauman LA, Baquero K, Blundell P, Dean TA, Valleau JC, Takahashi DL, Frazee T, Douville L, Majer J, Smith MS, Grove KL) selected as a winner of the 3rd annual Obesity Journal Symposium at ObesityWeek; she presented it at the Annual Meeting of The Obesity Society in Los Angeles, California, on November 4; and the paper was published in the November issue of the Journal of Obesity. The paper included a student coauthor, Luke Douville.
Residence life staff members Mike Wode, Joe Burke, Chris Haug, Sarah Meiser, and Molly Cullen presented at the Northwest Association Student Affairs Professionals (NWASAP) conference on October 25-27 in Sunriver, OR. Wode, Haug, and Burke presented “The Power of Pastoral Conversations: Addressing Low-Level Incidents in a Low-Stakes Environment.” Haug also presented (with Debi Haug) “Navigating a Student Affairs Career as a Spouse and Parent.” Meiser presented “Transitioning from Residence Life to Housing Operations,” and Cullen presented “Leadership in Context: Professional Development for Student Leaders.”
Molly Hiro and Lars Larson, English, had articles published in a comparative literary studies journal based in Kerala, India (Pursuits 13.1, Aug-Sept. 2015). Hiro’s article is “Black Enough? African American Writers and the Vernacular Tradition” and Larsen wrote on “Routes and Roots: American Literature as a Means of Understanding Contemporary Space and Place.”