1. Do one touristy thing in your city / town that you’ve never done before. https://instagram.com/p/3pi-X7zBYk/?taken-by=kelsie_may_ 2. Travel Abroad. https://instagram.com/p/36N2uhIOUe/?taken-by=jamesikeguchi 3. Go on a road trip. https://instagram.com/p/4J5nL0pNuZ/?taken-by=summerbrianne95 4. Turn off your phone and go on a hike https://instagram.com/p/4K7xKQOXwU/?taken-by=isaiah_ragasa 5. Or better yet, go to the beach. https://instagram.com/p/3rxdSaRjX3/?taken-by=ahogey26 6. Do volunteer work in your own community…Continue Reading Pilot Tip: 19 Things You Need To Do Before Summer Is Over
Pilot Tip: 19 Things You Need To Do Before Summer Is Over