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What is the Core of a UP Education – A Video Update on the Core Curriculum

Nothing seems to polarize my students more than their opinion of ‘flipped classrooms’, in which course content is consumed primarily outside the classroom, with instructional time devoted to application or mastery of the material. Though the term is often used loosely, a flipped classroom should have four key components (via Brame, 2013): Exposure to the…Continue Reading Flipping the classroom
Let’s face it: In Portland, we’re very used to mild winters. When freezing temperatures bring snow and icy roads, those who commute tend to go into what could politely be called “panic mode”. When Old Man Winter strikes during the last two weeks of a term, “panic mode” is not an option. Knowing what technology…Continue Reading Beating the Snow With Technology
Two popular desktop capture tools, Snagit & Camtasia, have recently received major updates and improvements in the form of new versions. These are tools that can be very useful for educators and support staff in higher ed. The University of Portland has a site-license to make the newest apps available to UP faculty and staff…Continue Reading Improved Desktop Capture Software Is Here
CaptureSpace is the simplest way to turn a presentation into a video to share with students. Faculty can use this tool to capture video as part of a flipped classroom or use screencast videos to provide feedback to students. Also, CaptureSpace makes it easy to record audio as part of podcast lectures for online, hybrid,…Continue Reading TLC Tip – Video Lecture Capture Made Easy