To Whom do you Refer? The People on UP’s Counseling Staff

Orrico hall, home of U P health and counseling services

When we on the academic side of the University have concerns about the mental health of our students, one of our obvious resources is the staff of the UP Health and Counseling Center. Whether we get there via Early Alert or through a direct contact, it can be helpful for faculty and academic staff to…Continue Reading To Whom do you Refer? The People on UP’s Counseling Staff

Best Practices in College Student Mental Health: What The Jed Foundation Might Offer

the quad at UP, students walking across campus

In the midst of growing national attention to mental health several organizations have started providing resources and programming specific to the target demographic most relevant to our work as UP faculty: college students. One particularly prominent organization in this realm is The Jed Foundation, started in 2000 by a philanthropist couple who lost their son…Continue Reading Best Practices in College Student Mental Health: What The Jed Foundation Might Offer

Student Mental Health: What Faculty (Might?) Need to Know

An empty lecture hall.

What do UP faculty, and staff on the academic side of the University, need to know about student mental health? This question has been much on my mind the last few years as discussions about mental health in college has seemed to accelerate both locally and nationally. At UP the issue particularly came to the…Continue Reading Student Mental Health: What Faculty (Might?) Need to Know