The excitement of academic learning

Last year 1,180 UP students worked together with peer assistants in the Learning Commons to support and improve their learning for a total of nearly 4,600 visits. Wouldn’t it be great if even more students came early and often to the Learning Commons to support their thinking, learning, and the application of new concepts in…Continue Reading The excitement of academic learning

A Brief Tour of Our Campus’s Handbook to Writing

Writing is hard. That’s why improving the writing skills of our students across their four years is a cross-campus shared responsibility. Having UP students in all disciplines do much of their thinking on paper has dividends not only in their written expression but also in developing knowledge in their field. Fortunately, both faculty and students…Continue Reading A Brief Tour of Our Campus’s Handbook to Writing

Music in the Classroom

Ever considered using music in the classroom? The following excerpt comes from the book Music and Learning by Chris Brewer, 1995. In this article, Brewer describes simple ways music can be used to positively affect learning in the classroom. Visit the links to the music as within the body of the article to listen the…Continue Reading Music in the Classroom

TLC Tip – Video Lecture Capture Made Easy

CaptureSpace is the simplest way to turn a presentation into a video to share with students. Faculty can use this tool to capture video as part of a flipped classroom or use screencast videos to provide feedback to students. Also, CaptureSpace makes it easy to record audio as part of podcast lectures for online, hybrid,…Continue Reading TLC Tip – Video Lecture Capture Made Easy

A Case for Annotation

Many faculty look for ways to get students to read assignment requirements more carefully and take opportunities to revise seriously. This article from Faculty Focus provides four straightforward strategies for getting college students to use annotation of their own work to show differences among drafts, links to assignment requirements, promote a growth mindset (practice can make perfect,…Continue Reading A Case for Annotation