UP Tech Tip: Tablets + Office = Easy Annotation

Every faculty member at UP has an Office 365 account, and many also have an iPad, Android tablet, or Microsoft Surface. Like peanut butter and chocolate, Office and tablets are two tech flavors that work really well together. In today’s UP Tech Tip, I wanted to demo using Office Mobile apps (Word, Powerpoint, Excel) on an iPad to easily…Continue Reading UP Tech Tip: Tablets + Office = Easy Annotation

UP Tech Tip: Finding Copyright Friendly Images

We all like to add flavor and visual appeal to our websites, slides and documents with images. With Google putting almost any image conceivable at your fingertips, it’s incredibly easy to find and take  appealing graphics. However, as an educator you are highly advised to be aware of copyright and fair use when re-purposing media…Continue Reading UP Tech Tip: Finding Copyright Friendly Images