Something for Heads and Hearts from the Garaventa Center

Dr. Karen Eifler, professor of Education at the University of Portland, is the co-director of the Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture.  On this podcast, she talks about the versatility and reach of the Garaventa Center reflected in the many events, lectures, and media sponsored by or produced by the Center. One of the popular offerings for the UP campus community is Visio Divina or “Divine Seeing” which reoccurs twice each year during Lent and Advent and offers a quiet space to reflect on the images of the St John’s Bible.
Photo of Dr. Karen Eifler

Part of the job of the Garaventa is to help faculty and staff from every department flourish and understand the contribution they make to the Catholic mission of the University which is to expand people’s hearts and minds and to flourish in every capacity.

Dr. Eifler also heads up the Teaching and Learning Collaborative, a resource for the support of great teaching on the UP campus.


Transcript – TechTalk Podcast – Episode 1 – Karen Eifler

Note: Click on the download icon on the player above to download the mp3 version of this podcast.

 Show Notes

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Samuel Williams