This is Your Brain on Learning

Dr. Ellyn Arwood, professor in the School of Education,  is designing online courses for the new  postmaster’s program in Neuroeducation.   The courses will take advantage of new lecture capture technology that allows learners to view lectures and materials from multiple viewpoints.

According to Dr. Arwood, the majority of learners today, even adults, are visual thinkers and need to be able to see an instructor’s face when she’s speaking, see concepts illustrated visually, and cross reference written materials with visuals to integrate concepts fully.

Ellyn Arwood Photo

In reality [learners} shift.  They may all be sitting in the room together but they’re shifting between what’s in front of them bookwise, what’s on their device, what the person is doing up at the front and they’re shifting according to what they need.  And we’ve got to provide that same shift from a learning standpoint otherwise the brain’s going to disengage. and [students will]  just be going through the material online without learning conceptually.


Transcript – Episode 6 Ellyn Arwood

Samuel Williams