UP REFLECT Mentor featured in ASCN Blog

One of the key ideas behind the REFLECT project is learning from teaching mentors. Our NSF team mentor is the amazing Dr. Judith A. Ramaley. She was recently featured in a blog post about collaboration that we wanted to share.  We also found out recently that she coined the term STEM when a few folks…Continue Reading UP REFLECT Mentor featured in ASCN Blog

University of Portland receives $300,000 National Science Foundation grant to foster systematic instructional change in STEM education

We had a few nice news pieces published recently. A favorite article below provides a nice overview of the project featuring Dr. Jordan Farina. https://www1.up.edu/news/2017/08/nsf-grant-for-stem-education.html…Continue Reading University of Portland receives $300,000 National Science Foundation grant to foster systematic instructional change in STEM education