Professor Sophia Tzeng and her colleagues at Innovation Law Lab receive international recognition for legal innovation.

Congratulations to our Professor Sophia Tzeng and her colleagues at the Portland-based nonprofit Innovation Law Lab for receiving international recognition for legal innovation. The following content is from their press release: “Founded in 2014, in response to the mass detention and deportation of immigrants and asylum seekers, the Innovation Law Lab has successfully scaled effective…Continue Reading Professor Sophia Tzeng and her colleagues at Innovation Law Lab receive international recognition for legal innovation.


Top Ten Things to Know Before a Speed Networking Event – By Shane Scoggins ’16  The business world is a highly competitive industry that relies on talent, goals, and the ever increasing bottom line to make the business work. These are concepts that can be taught in school, and hopefully applied later down the road in…Continue Reading TOP 10 LIST FOR SPEED NETWORKING

The future of MBA programs in Oregon.

There has been some hand-wringing recently over the fate of the MBA. As Fortune magazine reported last summer, former dean of the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management Roger Martin is predicting a major shake-up for the top 50 U.S. business schools akin to the collapse of General Motors and Chrysler. These and other…Continue Reading The future of MBA programs in Oregon.

Life after UP at a Startup

Jonathan Simcoe, UP Alumni, started off as a Communications major and ended up at a startup called Circle Media and earlier this year launched Circle with Disney, the new way for families to manage content and time across all devices. Jonathan stopped by to share some great advice with our business students. He said, “my…Continue Reading Life after UP at a Startup