Why would a Certified Cicerone take our Certificate in Craft Beer Business Strategy?

When Philp Hogg completed the first step in the Continuing Education Certificate in Craft Beer Business Strategy, I discovered that he is a Certified Cicerone. What is a cicerone? A cicerone is to the beer industry, as a sommelier is for the wine industry. Cicerone.org explains it as, “those who achieve this certification have a…Continue Reading Why would a Certified Cicerone take our Certificate in Craft Beer Business Strategy?

Prof. Jon Down explains how his life is different from the one he envisioned.

Be willing to get out of your comfort zone even though it is not an easy thing to do. Doing so will allow you to experience new things, gain knowledge, and more confidence in yourself. You probably do not know what career path you want to follow, so getting yourself out there, meeting new people,…Continue Reading Prof. Jon Down explains how his life is different from the one he envisioned.

Despite taking one class at a time, the Masters of Operations & Technology Management program helped me stand out!

I am truly honored to have been selected for the OTM Faculty Annual Scholarship award. I have felt a strong connection to this program ever since OTM was formally announced as a major for undergraduates (back in late 2007, I believe). Until that point I was undecided on my major. Nothing in the business school…Continue Reading Despite taking one class at a time, the Masters of Operations & Technology Management program helped me stand out!

Speed Networking

It’s the month of love. Instead of swiping right, students from the Pamplin School of Business on Monday, February 1, were speed dating with prospective companies, looking for their perfect matches. Was their encounter meant to be? Only time will eventually tell. These juniors and seniors spent five minutes with the companies exchanging resumes, contact information,…Continue Reading Speed Networking

Amanda Stowe shares her internship experience at Areotek

Amanda Stowe was fortunate to hold two internships that covered 3 summers. The most recent internship was with Aerotek Staffing Agency. This leading staffing agency matches qualified candidates with top companies worldwide. The internship with Aerotek was a typical ten-week internship during the summer between her sophomore and junior years, summer of 2015.  Here’s what…Continue Reading Amanda Stowe shares her internship experience at Areotek