A Comparative Analysis of Student Achievement: The Impact of Adapted Instructional Models During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of schedule adaptations adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on student grades and course completion results. Data provided allowed researchers to compare student outcomes on a condensed block quarter to the traditional block semester schedule, as well as in-person versus online learning.
The Relationship Between Social-Emotional Learning and Academic Outcome Indicators
This report evaluated the results of a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) survey of students in grades 3-12. The quantitative analysis explored the relationship between student perceptions of SEL and outcomes that are indicators for academic success, including attendance, behavior, grades, and standardized test scores. Researchers then investigated the extent to which this relationship is influenced by demographic factors.
Language Immersion Achievement: A Longitudinal Comparative Analysis
This analysis compared standardized test scores for two cohorts of students in the 6th and 9th grade; a cohort in both a single track and dual track language immersion junior high school. The report sought to evaluate whether one type resulted in stronger academic outcomes than the other.
Balanced Assessment
This report recommended several strategies for implementing balanced assessment, which included using varied forms of assessment with continuous monitoring, feedback, and adjustment. Research also supported creation of a District Assessment Framework and an annual Assessment Calendar. Fostering Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Professional Development opportunities also help support teachers and student learning and aid in implementing new assessment policies.
Concurrent Validity Study
A statistical analysis was performed using the School District’s Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA) and Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) test data in reading. Graphic results illustrated student performance in grades 3-5 for the 2013-2014 school year. Tables and figures demonstrated disaggregated comparison information.
Summer School Program Evaluation 2014
A statistical analysis was performed using pre- and posttest data for one district’s Reading and Math summer school program. Graphic results illustrated performance changes in kindergarten through fifth grade students. Data from 2013 was compared to data from 2014, and recommendations for further research were made.
Evaluation of Full-Day Kindergarten Model
An analysis of the extensive kindergarten booklet data was examined to identify the effects of full-day kindergarten beyond DIBELS. Kindergarten data from beginning, mid-year, and Spring testing was compiled and student achievement data from each assessment was analyzed.
Quality Materials Checklist
This report provided links to several already created checklists for reviewing core and supplemental materials in light of the requirements of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). One in particular, the Instructional Materials Evaluation Toolkit (IMET) checklist, was shortened and adapted for the school district.
Summer School Program Evaluation 2015
A statistical analysis of pre- and posttest student data from a one district’s summer school program were analyzed. Data from Reading and Math assessments were compared by student, grade, and across grade levels and graphic representations were provided.
Student Mobility
This report analyzed the effects of mobility on a Pacific Northwest school districts’ students’ (grades 3, 5, 8, and 11) reading and math assessment scores. Data was disaggregated by ethnicity, gender, special education status, and economic disadvantage. The study also measured the same effects in regards to student graduation status.
Student Mobility Revisited
A follow-up study to the Student Mobility report, this longitudinal study further examined student mobility within a Pacific Northwest school district by analyzing student mobility data, connecting the findings with literature surrounding student mobility, then provides recommendations to support and prevent student mobility.
Correlation of STAR Math and SBAC
The report measured the correlation between STAR Math and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). Students’ (grades 3-5) fall STAR Math assessment scores and spring SBAC scores were analyzed. Data was disaggregated by grade, gender, and ethnicity to provide further interpretation into the results.
Analysis of Attendance, Demographics, and Achievement
This report examined the relationship between attendance and academic achievement at the elementary school level (Grades Kindergarten through Third). Three years’ worth of attendance data, student demographic data, and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) data were analyzed from a Pacific Northwest school district.
The Predictive Ability of the iReady Diagnostic Math Assessment
This report analyzed the predictive ability of a math diagnostic measure with students’ performance on Smarter Balance Assessment.
Do Interim Assessments Predict Performance on Oregon State Assessments? A Correlational Analysis of STAR and OSAS
This data analysis examined the relationship between STAR Reading and Math scores and OSAS scores in the areas of English Language Arts and Math, for students in 3rd – 11th grade in the spring of 2018.