Increasing Teacher Diversity
This report explores the current state of diversity within the teacher workforce in the United States, which is disproportionately White, compared with a student population that is nearly 50% students of color. This report provides background on cultural beliefs that may impact students of color not choosing teaching as a profession. Additionally, several recruitment models are provided including district/university partnerships, community collaborations, and efforts that can be made at the university and college levels. Suggestions are also made for how schools and districts can improve retention of teachers of color, and recommendations are made for a broad implementation of recruitment efforts.
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and the Seven Cs
This report provides a literature summary of CRP in relation to seven constructs delineated in the Tripod Survey used to measure student perceptions of effective teaching. It finds that the Tripod Survey can be used to measure the efficacy of teacher training programs regarding CRP. This report identifies best practices for school districts and teachers to provide in the classroom when working with culturally diverse students.
Supporting LGBTQ Students
The purpose of this report was to identify best practices for supporting LGBTQ youth in schools, including defining terminology, exploring current disparities of LGBTQ youth, and recommendations regarding programs and curriculum that can be implemented to best serve the needs of LGBTQ students.
Serving Foster and Homeless Students
This literature review defined homelessness, identified support programs required by law, looked closer at the population of homelessness nationwide and in homeless students in Oregon, analyzed the impact homelessness has on students, and discussed additional support teachers and educational staff can use to aid homeless students’ success. This research can help schools better serve their foster and homeless student populations.
Best Practices for Males of Color
Two primary research objectives were requested for this research study: (a) conduct a literature review on the best practices for males of color; and (b) disaggregate and analyze data from a climate survey by race and gender and report differences for males of color.
The Impacts of Equity Training on the Longitudinal Staff Equity Survey
This report included a literature review on equity training programs and analyzed longitudinal survey data to explore the impact of CARE, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Restorative Justice (RJ) trainings on district participants’ beliefs, attitudes, and corresponding behaviors in their classrooms.
Recruitment and Retention of Teachers and Administrators: Research-Based Best Practices
This report addressed considerations surrounding the recruitment of teachers and administrators and identified reasons for attrition. Recommendations for the recruitment of culturally and linguistically diverse candidates was included.
Year-Round Schools
This report examines the literature on year-round school recommendations, cost for implementation, and the impact year-round school models compared to traditional school as it relates to “summer slide.”