White Boards

It would be nice to have individual white boards that students could check out instead of the larger community white boards. It would allow for more mobility options when studying, and sometimes you don’t need an entire large white board. The larger ones can be cumbersome and a smaller option would work nicely for many…Continue Reading White Boards

Weather Resistant Blankets

I would love to see large blankets available to check out from the library to encourage students to study outside! Weather resistant on one side so the moisture from the ground wouldn’t seep through. The library’s job is to create a friendly environment where students can study, so, why not encourage students to use the…Continue Reading Weather Resistant Blankets


The library ia for studying and I consistently hear complaints about the noise level…and it makes it difficult. It causes me to use my room when it would be much easier to use the library….Continue Reading quiet.


I wish the library in general were quieter. I’m glad we can use it as a place for study groups, even outside of rooms, but I sometimes wish the librarians would go old-school and shush everyone. Inside voices, everyone!…Continue Reading Quiet