Getting students up to speed with hands on technical skills can be challenging, especially when students are coming to class with a wide variety of experience levels. For engineering students, fundamentals like using a multimeter are basic skills needed to move on to bigger projects. Dr. Shaz Vijlee, Assistant Professor of Engineering, decided to make a series of videos for students, teaching them the core technical skills in a self-paced format that has enabled students to tackle new ground in a user-friendly format.

In true DIY spirit, Shaz built his own camera rig with PVC piping so that he could mount a camera above a work surface to show students how he connects an Arduino to a circuit board. One video shows him setting up the circuit but also shows him coding on a screen so students can see what results the code produces.
They[students] really like to see that things actually do what they’re supposed to do…It’s really satisfying for students to think “I’m actually learning the skill to do something with this… so what can I do with it next”
In this podcast Shaz explains the process he goes through to produce videos and how students use them in his class. Pick up some pointers on producing your own videos that can improve student learning in the classroom.
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[su_service title=”App Picks of the Week” icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up”]
Maria picked Southwest Airlines app for the easy check-in on a recent flight to Phoenix.
Ben picked Amphetamine which keeps your Mac from going to sleep.
Shaz picked One Note. He does all of his lecture notes in One Note and hand writes math equations. He also loves his Nest thermostat which he controls from his phone.
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UP TechTalk is a bi-monthly podcast with cohosts Ben Kahn and Maria Erb of Academic Technology Services and Innovation at UP that explores the use of technology in the classroom, one conversation at a time.