The Future of Learning – Tech Talk Special Series Starts Now

We’re so excited to bring this special series of UP Tech Talk to our listeners.  Packed with fresh insights, lively discussion, and thoughtful commentary on how future trends are likely to affect the process of learning. Our guests include futurists, academics, and thought leaders here at UP and around the country.


Bryan Alexander

The series kicks off with Bryan Alexander, a visionary at the forefront of the intersection of higher education and technology.  In our podcast, Bryan takes us on a whirlwind tour of likely scenarios for the near-term, coming decade, and beyond.  Get ready for sci-fi like descriptions of large-scale automation, virtual reality, vanishing occupations, and much more.  Some of the topics Bryan takes on:

  • the rise of online teaching and learning
  • focusing curriculum on what humans do best
  • major cultural shifts in attitudes towards education

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A full transcript of the episode is available in PDF format.




Maria Erb

Maria Erb is an Instructional Designer at the University of Portland. She holds an M.Ed. in Instructional Design from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. She is the WordPress administrator for UP and also the manager of its Open Learning platform Boost.