New Year’s Resolution: How about VoiceThread this year?

It’s 2022 and you’ve been telling yourself you were going to learn how to use VoiceThread so you could add some dynamic, media-driven assignments to your course. Right? Well, now you can! And VoiceThread is going to make it easy for you by offering a series of upcoming workshops that cover the basics from getting started to creating interactive assignments to using some of the newest features such as comment moderation and formative assessment for student work. Don’t miss out! It’s totally free! Here’s what you can look forward to learning:

WorkShop #1

VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share

When: January 11, 2022 1:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Register here

Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

WorkShop #2

VoiceThread Basics 2 – Groups and Secure Sharing

When: January 18, 2022 1:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Register here

We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

WorkShop #3

VoiceThread VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying

When: January 25, 2022 1:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Register here

In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

Maria Erb

Maria Erb is an Instructional Designer at the University of Portland. She holds an M.Ed. in Instructional Design from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. She is the WordPress administrator for UP and also the manager of its Open Learning platform Boost.

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