What is Digital Pedagogy?

Dr. Bonnie Stachowiak is the Director of Teaching Excellence and Digital Pedagogy at Vanguard University in Anaheim, CA.  She hosts the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast and regularly covers cutting-edge topics in teaching and technology on her show.  She gave a recent presentation at the Lily Conference in Anaheim on increasing learner agency in the classroom and graciously joined us via Skype to share some tips on incorporating new assignment types into the classroom.

Dr. Bonni Stachowiak

“Generally a test doesn’t make us curious,” she said.  “That kind of experience of ‘flow’ is not something I’ve ever experienced coming out of a test […] so can we blend in a few more assessments that might be more subjective?  We have tools to make them more measurable in some ways.”

In working with faculty, Dr. Stachowiak starts with research-based teaching methods as a starting point and builds on techniques proven to support student learning.

“What I like about digital pedagogy is that it centers around teaching, ” she said. “This idea that we can have our teaching be at the core and that our teaching can be enhanced by technology.”    Join us for this engaging and informative discussion.

Note to Listeners: I totally misprounced Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s name but won’t make that mistake again.  Here’s a phonetic pronunciation:  Me-high Cheek-ment-see-high.

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Full Episode Transcript: PDF


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UP TechTalk is a bi-monthly podcast with cohosts Ben Kahn and Maria Erb of Academic Technology Services that explores the use of technology in the classroom, one conversation at a time. Visit the UP TechTalk archives for a plethora of excellent content from our UP faculty guests. Get a sneak peak at the future with our UP Tech Talk special 5 part series The Future of Learning.

Maria Erb

Maria Erb is an Instructional Designer at the University of Portland. She holds an M.Ed. in Instructional Design from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. She is the WordPress administrator for UP and also the manager of its Open Learning platform Boost.

One Comment

  1. I am really intrigued by Bonny’s idea of being interdependent in our academic relationship with students (as faculty). I would love to hear more about what that looks like day-to-day in the classroom and what, if any, additional “cautions” Bonni would see as faculty move in that direction. It rings similar to “servant leadership” in the P-12 world in thinking about the way teachers and principals work together and learn together. Perhaps our local guru…Dr. Anctil could weigh in on that down the road. Thanks for another great tech talk Maria and Ben!

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