Hola from Granada, Nicaragua!
What a great place to begin to gain closure after our long journey throughout central Nicaragua. Mimosas on the beach in the morning, a few long days laughing and swimming in the Laguna de Apoyo, and even a shot at the dance floor of the local discotecha on Saturday night! We’re kidding…mostly. However, as the trip has come to an end we have had the chance to reflect on some of the most impactful aspects of the journey.
Over the last few days we put our finishing touches on the walls of the school we helped Seeds of Learning construct, performed a song and dance as a sign of gratitude towards the students at the elementary school, took on a new perspective of Matagalpa from a hilltop outlook just outside the city, had some wonderful ethnic cuisine at a restaurant owned by the coordinators from Seeds of Learning, and said some hard goodbyes, hopefully temporary, to our friends in Matagalpa.
Upon arrival in Granada, despite sore hands and backs from the construction, we all agreed that we would do it all over again if we had the chance. Between free time spent swimming, shopping, walking around downtown Granada and short naps, we took time to recount all the amazing experiences we had the opportunity to take part in.
We’re happy to be headed home, but we are incredibly thankful for three life-altering weeks.