53 years later… “The March Continues”
“How long? Not long.”
March 25, 1965 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
May 15, 2018 Taylor Nathaniel Stewart
Same podium.
Different men.
Different time.
Same dream.
Psalm 23:4
While I walk through the valley of the gallows of death, I fear evil. Where were thou? Where was thou rod? Where was thou staff? Where was thou comfort?
Echoing across the pillars of my mind, one thought began to ring
There is no God
There is no god
there is no god
Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis standing in front of the Alabama State Capital Building
i can not hear him
i can not smell him
i can not taste him
But i can see him
And i can feel him
Towering tall in front of me, i can see a man who would have hated me for who i am
And i feel…small
A group of college kids
I have a dream.
Given that we’re traveling the South, I recognize that this is neither a new dream nor an original one.
Because it is still a dream since it isn’t yet a reality.
I’ve seen broken windows, broken homes, but not broken spirits
I’ve seen the old and weathered faces of those who have weathered an old and heavy storm
But most importantly, I’ve also seen what gives them hope.
“You,” they said.
A group of young college kids from Portland
A nurse, a biologist, an environmentalist, a communication professional, a fourth grade teacher, a counselor, a criminologist, a lawyer, a journalist, a historian, a political scientist, and a kindergarten teacher…to be.
A group of young college kids ready to dream the dream.
To follow the dream, even when they don’t know where it will take them
To feel the dream, even when it’s not tangible
To believe in the dream, even when others don’t see it
And to be the dream…because that’s what gives others hope.