Written by: Bridget King
Completed in 1927, Howard Hall has been home to all of the active Pilots on campus. Howard Hall has been our home for Intramural Sports, Outdoor Pursuits (OPP), and our weekly Zumba classes. We would all enter the historical building, always weary of the basketball courts above us, with the sounds and vibrations of an exciting game taking place one level above. Opening in August of 2015, in time for the Fall 2015 semester, the new Beauchamp Center is to replace Howard Hall. The new rec center is a state-of-the art facility, designed by 360 Architecture, a company who specializes in recreation and wellness centers.
Students, both new and returning, are in for an exciting surprise when they first enter the new gym. As you walk in through the front doors, you’re immediately in the middle of the amenities offered by the Beauchamp Center. To your right, you’ll find the 35 foot rock wall available for use. Immediately to your left, is the free weight area. Currently an empty space, the padded floor will soon be covered with weights available for student and faculty use. With TVs and mirrors positioned around the room, the free weight space is bound to be a hub of activity. Also located downstairs is a feature never found in Howard Hall. With TRX bars and a concrete wall for tossing weight balls, the Beauchamp Center has created specific space available for use for our Cross Fit Pilots.
Probably the most anticipated aspect of the new rec center are the new basketball ball courts. The Beauchamp Center holds 3 basketball courts, all on the first floor. 2 are standard rec sized courts, while the third is an NCAA regulation sized court. Built with Intramural basketball in mind, the third court holds a small amount of bleaches, ready for fans of the next IM championship game.
Go upstairs and there’s still more for you to do! Circiling all three basketball courts is an indoor track.
Quick note for our running Pilots: if you’re running around all 3 courts, 8 laps = 1 mile. If you’re only running around 2 courts, 12 laps = 1 mile
Additionally, upstairs is home to all the new fitness classes. Thanks to these new ‘classrooms’, the Beauchamp Center can now house bigger classes with ease. In fact, the smallest fitness classroom in the Beauchamp Center is bigger then the largest classroom in Howard Hall!
So whether you’re into working out by yourself or you love to join others for a Zumba class, the new Beauchamp Center has what you’re looking for! I hope every Pilot is looking forward to prioritzing their fitness this next Fall, I know I am.