Professors Sam Holloway and Mark Meckler are once again leading the conversation in the craft beer business arena. Large breweries have now, entered a strategic decline, merging and acquiring each other and chasing profits at the expense of future customers.
Chasing higher profitability through lower-quality products and acquisitions might please shareholders, but it also fits nicely into disruption theory’s playbook where new technologies, laws, consumer awareness and business models actively work against the long-held advantages of incumbents.
In 20 years, will cracking open a Budweiser on a summer day still be commonplace? Or will it be a relic of times past? If AB InBev stays on its current strategic course, the latter, while tough to imagine now, is the more plausible scenario.
Read the full story: “Can you imagine a world without Budweiser? We can” – The Conversation, May 2016