Congratulations to our Professor Sophia Tzeng and her colleagues at the Portland-based nonprofit Innovation Law Lab for receiving international recognition for legal innovation. The following content is from their press release: “Founded in 2014, in response to the mass detention and deportation of immigrants and asylum seekers, the Innovation Law Lab has successfully scaled effective…Continue Reading Professor Sophia Tzeng and her colleagues at Innovation Law Lab receive international recognition for legal innovation.
Category: Featured Stories
Alum Drew Arenth and his team uses Machine Learning for a More Efficient Supply Chain and receives Grant from Gates Foundation.
Alum ’07 Drew Arenth graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy and is now working with Marco-Eyes, a core machine learning technology that accurately “detects and analyzes the degrees of multidimensional similarity between patients and between events” (source Macro-Eyes). For example, that translates into intelligence that can accurately determine NO SHOW appointment rates for health providers….Continue Reading Alum Drew Arenth and his team uses Machine Learning for a More Efficient Supply Chain and receives Grant from Gates Foundation.
Prof. Sam Holloway gives keynote in Portland from Amsterdam at the Orchestrated 2017 Conference and launches a new Text Book!
Prof. Sam Holloway was featured during an industry keynote at the Orchestrated 2017 conference in Portland. Since he couldn’t be there, they asked him to pre-record a video from Amsterdam about his sabbatical and what he was learning about the European beer market. The Pamplin School of Business collaborated with OBEER, Orchestra Software and their…Continue Reading Prof. Sam Holloway gives keynote in Portland from Amsterdam at the Orchestrated 2017 Conference and launches a new Text Book!
Lynn Le is unstoppable as she makes the 2018 Forbes 30 Under 30 List after making PBJ’s 40 Under 40 for 2017!
Congratulations to Lynn Le for making the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for 2018! We wrote about her in May when she made the Portland Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 list for 2017. We are very proud of her and everything she does! Go Pilot! Here is a link to our UP News where she…Continue Reading Lynn Le is unstoppable as she makes the 2018 Forbes 30 Under 30 List after making PBJ’s 40 Under 40 for 2017!
Peter Rachor, a True Pioneer in the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Space.
When our Professor Peter Rachor was in high school, he was already well on his way to being an entrepreneur. One of his projects was selling 25-foot long telephone cords for the rotary phones attached to the walls of what seemed to be every home in America. We have one of these in our UP…Continue Reading Peter Rachor, a True Pioneer in the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Space.
Why would a Certified Cicerone take our Certificate in Craft Beer Business Strategy?
When Philp Hogg completed the first step in the Continuing Education Certificate in Craft Beer Business Strategy, I discovered that he is a Certified Cicerone. What is a cicerone? A cicerone is to the beer industry, as a sommelier is for the wine industry. explains it as, “those who achieve this certification have a…Continue Reading Why would a Certified Cicerone take our Certificate in Craft Beer Business Strategy?