Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to bring hope, resources, and advocacy to the poor and most vulnerable among us regardless of faith, race, marital status, or condition in life. Their activities are based upon the fundamental belief in the dignity and sanctity of human life and the principles of Catholic Social…Continue Reading Catholic Charities

Our UP Prof. Debra Stephens receives a glowing endorsement on her new book.

Professor Debra Stephens, along with Associate Professors Bill Barnes and Greg Hill, have come together to write a new book. Amazon describes it as, “an alternative to traditional textbooks for graduate students. Shorter than competing books, but no less rigorous, this book also includes unique material on vulnerable consumers and ethics.  Balancing a strong academic foundation…Continue Reading Our UP Prof. Debra Stephens receives a glowing endorsement on her new book.

Professors Holloway and Meckler are once again leading the conversation

Professors Sam Holloway and Mark Meckler are once again leading the conversation in the craft beer business arena. Large breweries have now, entered a strategic decline, merging and acquiring each other and chasing profits at the expense of future customers. Chasing higher profitability through lower-quality products and acquisitions might please shareholders, but it also fits…Continue Reading Professors Holloway and Meckler are once again leading the conversation

Guest Speakers Bring Real Life Experience into the Classroom

To most people the subject of international finance is business on a global level. The students of Bus 441 International Finance, taught by Chris Dunnaville, this semester were fortunate to meet with and learn from three executives who know the intricate financial considerations of globalization and what it means for their companies. The first executive…Continue Reading Guest Speakers Bring Real Life Experience into the Classroom

Prestigious Journal Publishes a UP Business Professor’s Paper

The highly regarded and prestigious, Academy of Management Journal, AMJ, published a research article by our Professor Dr. Sam Holloway. We are thrilled to share this honor and congratulate Dr. Holloway on this outstanding achievement. He wrote, ‘Friends and Profits Don’t Mix: The Performance Implications of Repeated Partnerships’ with Dr. Anne Parmigiani from the University…Continue Reading Prestigious Journal Publishes a UP Business Professor’s Paper