The holidays are fast approaching! As many students spend time with family and friends during winter break, they may feel unsettled by well-meaning questions about their future career goals. Our partners in the University of Portland Career Center help students demystify networking and encourage them to embrace this time to start building professional relationships. Read about the Career Center’s upcoming student event, as well as their suggestions for networking:
‘Tis the Season to Network Workshop
In anticipation of the four-week winter break, the Career Center is hosting a workshop to help students learn more about building relationships and making connections for informational interviews, potential job shadows, or even a summer job! The workshop will also address how to utilize tools like Switchboard and LinkedIn.
- Thursday, November 29 at 4:15 p.m.
- Career Center (Lower level of Orrico Hall)
- Open to all students
Breaking Down the Barriers of Networking this Holiday Season
Many students express that they have negative associations with networking for a variety of reasons, including feelings of “using” people, or that only “extroverts” network. Students also share that they do not know anyone to network with, or that it does not feel like a valuable use of time. Since experts estimate that between 70-80% of jobs are never publicly posted, the Career Center teaches students that networking is actually a critical job-search strategy.
The Career Center works with students to break down the barriers of networking by encouraging them to start by talking with people individually about their skills, interests, and career goals. Students can then expand to requesting an informational interview, or attending a meeting or networking function. Another common misconception is that strong ties are the most valuable. While people in our inner circle are valuable, “weak ties” or the outer circle of our network are just as valuable. Relationships with people whom we don’t know well yet or don’t see often can be a bridge to future opportunities. What better time to build these bridges than at social functions during the holidays?
The following article from the “Parent Toolkit” provides some excellent recommendations:
Additional Event Networking Tips
Most people are not born to mingle. It’s important to remind students that practice and preparation will help them develop the skills it takes to be effective at networking events. (There are also lots of opportunities to meet employers on campus in the spring!) Networking may sound forced or unnatural, but as awkward as it may feel at first, the ability to meet and make a positive, professional impression on people will become ever more important as their career advances and develops.
Here are some tips to share with your students:
1. Ask questions!
Most people are flattered if you ask questions about what they do and how they got there, and are happy to share their opinions and advice. Remember that everyone knows people not only in their own field, but also in other fields and other geographic locations. Often people you already know can connect you with valuable contacts in your area of interest.
2. Talk about yourself and your goals!
The more you talk about your skills and interests, what you have done, what you would like to do, and where you’d like to do it, the more likely people will begin to see links between themselves and you.
3. Plan for networking!
Anticipate when you will be in a position to network and plan what you want to ask. For example, you might plan to take resumes to a job fair, but it would be awkward to take resumes to a social or sporting event. Be prepared with phrases such as “I value your opinion and welcome your feedback and advice about this career (or job, or company),” or “I am interested in learning more about careers in manufacturing… “
Remind your students that networking is reciprocal! They can also give back and build bridges for others.
The UP Career Center also provides the following worksheets as helpful resources for students to start building their own professional connections:
For further information or to set up an appointment, students are always welcome to contact the UP Career Center directly.