“I will always see him as my dad.”

Read about one student’s transition to college and how her relationship with her dad evolved.

Although I had some initial reservations, my transition to the University of Portland was mostly smooth. My dad and I are very close, so the idea of being 1000 miles away from home was daunting. To be honest, the moment we got on our flight to Portland, I began to question everything. I wondered if I was ready to leave home, if UP was right for me, and if I was capable of success, but my dad constantly reassured me that I could handle it.

Ashley Lujan ’20 with her father

There was a lot for me to figure out within those first few months of school, and his support was crucial. Instead of telling me what to do, my dad would listen to me and share similar experiences he had while in college in order to help me find my own way. My dad taking the time to text, talk on the phone, or FaceTime with me meant so much, and it helped combat those feelings of homesickness. I noticed our relationship was starting to grow because my dad was being so open with me and it made me want to be just as open with him. We began finding a balance of our closeness and my independence.

I will always see him as my dad and I know he will always see me as his daughter, but there are new elements to our relationship that have only made it better. For families that are entering this new chapter, I encourage you to embrace the changes in your relationships. Take the time to find what works for your family and be considerate of each other’s experiences. It is important to cherish these next few years because there is nothing like it. 

Ashley Lujan ’20 is from Thousand Oaks, California, and is currently studying social work and psychology at UP. She hopes to pursue a master’s degree in clinical social work a couple years after graduation. Ashley shares that she has grown so much throughout her years at UP and is grateful to be a part of the Pilot community!