Campus Resource Guide

Student Accounts

Pay tuition, room and board, and other fees here (parents access the account with student authorization called Parent Proxy). An outstanding balance may put a hold on course registration, so be sure to stay on top of things; payment plans may be available.

Campus Safety

Responsible for patrolling, investigating complaints, safe ride services, registering bikes and electronics, student ID cards, campus parking permits, helping students who get locked out of dorms, emergency drills and alerts, and more.

Care Team

When parents, faculty, or staff members are concerned about the physical, emotional, academic or personal health of a University student, the Care Team Program can assess the situation, offer support, and provide referrals to the breadth of resources on-campus.

Career Education Center

It all happens here: job fairs, internship listings, mock interviews, interest assessments, resume and cover letter help. Career counselors can help undecided students choose a major and explore the connection between academics and potential careers.

Clark Library

The library is a popular place for students to study and meet with groups. It’s also the only place on campus where students can borrow laptops, chargers, headphones, digital cameras, and more. The virtual library gives students a gateway to books, eBooks, videos, articles, and any readings professors have made available through course reserves. Library staff and librarians are eager to help students use the library effectively and find good sources for their assignments. If your student has questions, please encourage them to ask us.

Accessible Education Services

Students who need accommodations for physical or mental health reasons, or because of a learning difference, work with this office.

Financial Aid

Your student’s financial aid award (grants, scholarships, loans, work-study) is managed here. Don’t hesitate to call with questions, or if your family’s financial circumstances have changed.

Parent & Family Engagement

This office is for YOU. Parent & Family Engagement keeps you informed about important details and dates throughout the year, and coordinates Family Weekend and other events on and off campus. If you have concerns or questions and don’t know who to call, start here!


This office maintains student contact information, course registration (including add, drop and withdrawals), grades, and transcript requests.

Residence Life

On-campus housing options and meal plans. Students with roommate issues or concerns can get support from Res Life staff.

Student Health Center and Counseling Center

Primary Care, Counseling and Wellness Education & Prevention offices are all in one building on campus.

  • Primary Care: for the evaluation and treatment of common illnesses and minor injuries, preventative care, and health education
  • Counseling: mental health evaluations and support at no cost to all full-time UP students with counseling on-site, referrals for off-site counseling and assistance with finding a provider
  • Wellness Education & Prevention: this office provides opportunities, events and activities for students to learn about wellness and its impact on both personal and academic success

Shepard Academic Resource Center

Professional and peer tutoring services are available for any academic need. Your student can get help understanding concepts, writing papers, math, and improving study skills.