Song Artist Album
Regret You HOLYCHILD The Shape Of Brat Pop To Come
Ridin’ Round Kali Uchis Por Vida
Flamingo Kero Kero Bonito Flamingo
Marceline Vista Kicks Chasing Waves
Faking Bright Saski Faking Bright
Femme La Couleur Voyage love
Marceline Willow ARDIPITHECUS
Biscuit Town King Krule The OOZ
The Locomotive King Krule The OOZ
Dum Surfer King Krule THE OOZ
Slush Puppy King Krule The OOZ
Bermondsey Bosom (Left) King Krule THe OOZ
Lotus Eaters Flesh Panthers Willows Weep
Breakfast is Over SadGirl Volume I
Sea Lion Goth Blues The Growlers Hot Tropics

happy songs for a happy fall break :-)

Also the second part of the show was just exploring King Krule’s new album The OOZ