By John-Luke Boddy

9/10 – Awesome time, but wish she did an encore – it should not have ended!

Concert Review: NAO

NAO is known for her incredible voice; however, what has shaped the success of her sound is the style of music she sings overtop of. Inhale Exhale was the first to get me hooked. Her collaboration with experimental producers enhanced her image of a futuristic artist. Describing her sound as “wonky funk,” NAO understands that while her music is future oriented, it draws heavily from the past. Carrying on a soul tradition rooted in familial ties, she digs from funk roots and applies them to music that may be likened to modern day disco trends. Hailing from the UK, her music took its time to vibrate westward; but when it did, Portland was ready for her.

When I went to see her perform at Holocene she did not disappoint, and neither did the crowd.  Thanks to wonders of the internet PDX music lovers were well versed on songs such as Bad Blood and Firefly. With every comment she made, no matter how small or large, people cried out in ecstatic approval. During her set she gracefully danced about the floor, at times stomping the ground with ferocity that was equally matched in her emotional singing. Ever humble, she took the time to share her happiness, surprise, and gratitude that the people in attendance knew her songs well enough to sing the lyrics right back at her. I found myself singing along well past the show, mumbling to myself over a pizza stop on the way home, “I’m thinking it’s the bad… bad… blood.”

nao-greennao-bluenao-rednao-purpleConcert Review NAO