Need to show a video as a part of your slides? Closing PowerPoint and linking out to YouTube can break the flow of your presentation, or worse: if you are in “Presenter Mode” you may find the video starts playing back on your podium or laptop screen, but not on the presentation screen. Awkward! You can…Continue Reading #UPTechTip: Embed Video into a PowerPoint
Tag: office 365
UP Tech Tip: Sync Docs Between Moodle & OneDrive
We have lots of great tech tools at UP that enhance teaching and learning. They really start to shine when they become integrated and work together, becoming two great tastes that taste great together, like peanut butter and chocolate. (Disclaimer: never put peanut butter and/or chocolate into your technology devices). Imagine the following scenario: you’re relaxing…Continue Reading UP Tech Tip: Sync Docs Between Moodle & OneDrive
UP Tech Tip: Introducing Sway (New in Office 365 2/2)
This week in #uptechtips I want to focus on a few new tools available to UP faculty through Office 365. The theme you will find with these tools is that they are easy, simple and designed to work online and on mobile devices. This week we are talking about Sway. You will find this tool…Continue Reading UP Tech Tip: Introducing Sway (New in Office 365 2/2)
UP Tech Tip: Introducing Office Forms (New to Office 365 1/2)
This week in #uptechtips I want to focus on a few new tools available to UP faculty through Office 365. The theme you will find with these tools is that they are easy, simple and designed to work online and on mobile devices. First up is Forms. You will find this tool by logging in…Continue Reading UP Tech Tip: Introducing Office Forms (New to Office 365 1/2)