So what are you going to do with that English major?

A quick overview of jobs for English majors and businesses that hire them in word clouds by Kate Stringer.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that an English major must be in want of a teaching certificate or a lifelong career as a Starbucks barista.

Haven’t heard that one before.

Yes, English majors are often given the coveted title of most useless major, as well as the skeptical eye of every relative, friend, and stranger with the audacity to ask the over-used question: “So, what are you going to do with your life?”

 And while everyone insists that the only possible profession an English major can desire is a teaching job, there are actually limitless career opportunities for college graduates with an unmatched ability to critically think, read, and write.

Crazy, right?

Here’s a compilation of the Career Center’s list, “What Can I Do With My Major?” Visit their site for the full list of fields, businesses, and strategies for applying any major to your dream job.

english word cloud jobsenglish job cloud

The word cloud on the left displays jobs for English majors, and the word cloud on the right displays businesses that hire them.