Narratively Calls Students for Submissions to “College Chronicles”


An opportunity brought to the UP students from Dr. Asarnow and a 2001 alum. Please note that the deadline is this coming Monday, November 25.  

The modern college campus is a much more complex place than what news reports and movie depictions might have us believe. Each year’s class of students brings a new element to the college experience and has new stories to share.

A new Narratively series will feature untold stories from college campuses across the country: the true, little-known slice-of-life stories that reveal what the university experience is really like. Narratively’s “Campus Chronicles” series seeks editorial submissions from currently enrolled undergraduates. Stories can be in text, video, audio, photo essays, or any other medium. Narratively will publish the five best submissions in our digital publication in early 2014. The selected contributors will receive a byline and payment for their pieces.

Launched in September 2012, Narratively is a platform devoted to original, in-depth and untold stories. Recently listed at number six on TIME magazine’s “50 Best Websites of 2013,” Narratively explores one theme per week and publishes just one story a day—an approach we call “slow storytelling.” Narratively’s distinguished roster of editors, writers, filmmakers, photographers and illustrators have worked regularly for top publications like The New York Times, The New YorkerGQ, CNN, Washington Post, NPR and The Atlantic.

“Campus Chronicles” submissions are due Monday, November 25. Send completed works with the subject line “Campus Chronicles Submission.” Please send text submissions (1,000 to 5,000 words) as Word documents. Multimedia submissions may be sent as links to private pages on Vimeo, YouTube or SoundCloud. For photo essay submissions, include a summary of your project along with a few sample photos.

Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Selected contributors will be notified by early January 2014.