A Quick Introduction


Hello, all! My name is Dorian Pacheco and I’m the new intern that has been updating the English blog this fall. You’ve seen quite a few posts from me so far, so I thought you should know a little more about me.

I’m a freshman English major from Los Angeles, California. Life on the Bluff has been a blur so far, with orientation and adjusting to dorm life and college classes. I decided to come to UP after having fallen in love with the city and campus on a visit earlier this spring. I’m half Mexican, half Taiwanese and my favorite colors are burgundy and cream. My favorite book is Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham.

I’m thinking about declaring a second major in Philosophy because I’m gearing towards law school, but I’m not exactly sure what I want to do yet. I’m thinking about being an attorney, consultant, or literature professor.

I’m really excited to be working on the blog, and am looking forward to becoming more involved at UP. Hope you all enjoy the blog so far!