Help ensure fair funding for students with disabilities!

HR 493 Pell Grant for Students with Disabilities Act

Did you know that students who receive Pell Grants often see their funding reduced when they take fewer than 12 credits per semester, even when they have a reduced course load approved as an accommodation due to the impact of their disability accommodations?

There is a buzz in the disability services community about an essential piece of legislation reintroduced in Congress that would make a big difference in the lives of college students with disabilities. It’s called the Pell Grant for Students with Disabilities Act (HR 493).

If this bill becomes law, students with disabilities who, for a disability-related reason, can’t take or drop below 12 credits would still receive the maximum Pell Grant amount they’re eligible for.

That means that students with disabilities would not be financially penalized when taking 12 credits or more is just too much due to the impact of their disability, giving them the support they need to complete their studies.

But here’s the best part: YOU can help make this happen! Here’s how:

  1. Contact Your Representative: Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Pell Grant for Students with Disabilities Act (HR 4931). Need help determining who your Representative is? You can find out on the House of Representatives Website Lookup Tool by entering your zip code in the box in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Reach Out to Your Senators: Encourage your Senators to consider introducing a companion bill in the Senate. You can find the contact information for your Senators at www.senate.gov by choosing your state in the box in the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Share Your Stories: Do you know students who this legislation would positively impact? Share their stories with Congress by emailing advocacy@ahead.org. Your stories can make a real difference!

Let’s join hands and support this legislation that can change the lives of students with disabilities for the better. Together, we can make sure that all students have the opportunity to succeed in their education without financial barriers.


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