Help build a Universal Design info hub @UP!

Text says UD@UP

Curious about implementing Universal Design or Universal Design for Learning in your work? Join the new Universal Design & UDL info hub Team, hosted by the UP Employee Disability Affinity Group. This open team is a central space to share ideas, resources, initiatives, and promote cross-campus collaboration in making UP more accessible!

How you can contribute:

  • Share resources you’ve found helpful
  • Add an idea to the “There are no bad ideas” whiteboard
  • Describe what your unit is doing now to promote UD(L) and accessibility
  • Add a professional development opportunity to the Upcoming Opps calendar
  • Post a link to a great example of UD(L) at another university or company
  • Post a question for colleagues
  • Invite colleagues to join this Team!

Questions? Email Sarah Nuxoll, coordinator of the UP Disability Affinity Group, at nuxolls@up.edu.


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