During his or her college years, a student often begins to ask such fundamental questions as:
• What is the purpose of this life?
• Who am I really?
• How do I relate to the spiritual side of my existence?
Even so, most American students graduate from college with little more than a high school understanding of religion and a Sunday school sophistication in theology and spirituality.
At the University of Portland, students are encouraged to explore these important dimensions of human existence in a way that engages their developing intellects. To support this defining aspect of the University’s mission, the Department of Theology provides an impressively broad range of courses through the University Core, all taught from a Catholic ecumenical perspective.
For students who wish to go beyond the Core courses, there are minors in Theology, Catholic Studies, and Social Justice, as well as a Theology major. Students can also participate in various colloquia and lively debates that the Department sponsors throughout the school year. For those who already have a bachelor’s degree, the Department offers a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, which combines academic rigor with ministerial challenges.
Join us in our efforts to discover new perspectives on our world and new insights into possibilities for meaning and truth.
Will Deming, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Theology